Guidance for Run Leaders

Groups – details of each group are provided in Val’s weekly notification, based on parkrun timings, and should roughly determine speed maintained by run leader and expected distances – about 5 miles for Gentle Jog group, 6 miles for Slower Middle group, 7 miles for Faster Middle group and 7-8 miles for Pacy group.

Routes – start locations are listed on the website, and are announced a week in advance, with some different venues in summer and winter.  Generally off-road in summer, and on roads and seafront in winter.  Leaders can announce their planned route by email or WhatsApp group ahead of time, or explain to group at the start.

Start – leaders to identify who is running in their group and provide brief details of the route (in particular, distance and if hilly!).  Leaders to do a head count before setting off.

Breaks – leaders should ‘regroup’ the runners at regular intervals and check everyone is still present and OK.  The speed of the group, and how spaced out runners are, can determine the frequency of the regroups.  If some runners are ahead of the leader, they should stay in view of the leader to ensure they follow the correct route and don’t become totally separated. They should be made aware of the next regroup point in advance.

Phones – Leaders should carry a charged mobile phone or ensure another member of the group has one. 

Accidents – In the event of an accident to a group member, the leader should ensure all necessary support is provided.  This includes, if appropriate, communicating issues to other groups or group members via text/ WhatsApp/ direct call, or worst-case scenario, summoning help from emergency services (this is why carrying a mobile phone is important).